Welcome to every Website Visitor and every new and previous reader of I Ascend Magazine. It is with a hearty welcome that we greet you as you step into the nucleus (core) of this website.

I Ascend Magazine is primarily geared towards those who are testaments of Real People, Real-Life, and Real Talk. It speaks to those who have Leveled Up and are yet Ascending. (That being on whatever level they are on.) It’s not about where you start it’s about where you are going and how you finish.

I Ascend Magazine is inclined to provide Next Level Stimuli and Impact in the lives of its readers on every level. Continue to come back regularly for all our special updates and current news about things happening here at I Ascend Magazine.

Thank you for supporting this Publication. We look forward to inspiring, Motivating and encouraging you. Be elevated in your mind and remember you have everything you need on the Inside of you to LEVEL UP Daily!