The female gospel group, “Anointed Friends” consists of four powerhouse singers; Roz Thompson, Brittany Dawson, Tiffani McCutchen, and Tyeshia Reels. Their sound might best be described as “contemporary quartet,” and they are from Northern, New Jersey.

I Ascend: Who is this dynamic gospel group called Anointed Friends?

Dr. Tyeshia: Anointed Friends is an anointed group of ministering psalmists that are a part of the body of Christ. Everything that we stand on rests on the foundation of who Jesus is. We are sisters, who love the Lord. We love to sing, we love each other, and we love music. Music has bonded us together; but Jesus Christ has caused our bond to be unbreakable because of who he is in our lives. The music and the words that we sing are derived from who he is to each of us. We have been able to build on each other’s strengths and uplift one another. This has translated not just in our lives, but in the lives of those we sing to as well.

I Ascend: How many years have you have been in this profession?

Brittany: We have been singing all of our lives. We have been a group however, for three years in May.

I Ascend: What has the process of “Becoming” on this journey been like for you?

Roz:  It was important to me to make sure that we all knew the Lord. We did not want to just be singers, we needed to be ministers of the music that we render. That was very important to me.

I Ascend: Where did it all begin?

Tiffani: Well, it began with us visiting sister Roz’s church for a service they were having. We had the opportunity to come together and sing a song amongst the congregants. Someone stood up in the congregation and said, “You ladies should be a group called Friends,” It started there and I am telling you, God has truly blessed us. He has shown himself mightily in our lives and quickly he is moving. I truly believe he is doing this because in everything we do, we put him first.

I Ascend: What hardships have you faced in Ascending to where you are?

Brittany: Well, being a group by itself can be very difficult because you deal with multiple personalities. We all have jobs, we are married, and most of us have children. We are putting forth every effort to make sure that we remain consistent and persistent in all that we do. The only hardship has been dealing with today’s climate surrounding the pandemic. With things being cancelled, that has been a bit of a challenge. However, I must say that God has given us such a passion for this assignment. That passion and the love that we have for each other has overcome the challenges. We are still encouraged and determined to do what God has placed in our hands.

I Ascend: Who served as your Cushion and Support Team during the hard times?

Tiffani: The people that have served as our cushion and our support team has been our husbands. They have supported this dream and they have supported us. In addition to our pastors, ministers and our leaders from our various ministries. Also, our amazing friends and family have been awesome. Our community has come out and supported us in a way I have not seen before. They stood by us and they keep pushing us to be great. These are the extraordinary people that have supported and cushioned us. Most importantly we cannot forget God, in Him we always have that soft cushion.

I Ascend: What have these experiences taught you? The Highs and Lows if any? 

Roz: I have learned we have to be patient with the process. We are trying to spread the message and hope that someone will be saved behind our music ministry. The process has been long, but we must continue to have patience. I’m grateful that I am learning to be persistent, but patient as well.

I Ascend: How do you juggle your time with home life while pursuing your Craft?

Roz: Well, first of all, when you are transparent with home, then home will be on the same team, same wavelength, and in the same lane as you. My entire family has been made aware of everything. The process, finances, my time, and being a professional. I call us the three professionals and the doctor and we each have to juggle our schedules. It is very important that we let home know what we are planning. We lay it out before them and we share the desires that we have. However, at the same time we are asking are they okay with it? They have been thus far and that means everything.

Brittany: Prioritizing this group is important to us as well. It is at the top of our list. We had a meeting and we understood the Visionaries vision. She wrote it down, she made it plain so that those that read it could run with it. As Roz previously stated everything is transparent. We understand that this group is a priority, it is not an option for us. We really believe wholeheartedly, that this is an assignment that God has given to us. We won’t pretend that it is not difficult from time to time. We are professionals, wives, mothers, and ministers. Everything we do falls under the umbrella of ministry. Performing is just another part of our ministry. We love what we do, and we are committed to the success of this group.

Tiffani: If I could just chime in on that, I am a wife and mom of three okay. It feels like six sometimes, yes, to God be the glory. (Chuckles) While we understand that this assignment that God has given does take a priority in our life. We comprehend that is not put above our families. While it can be sometimes a juggling act, God, has given us the strength necessary to accomplish everything that he’s given this group to do.

Dr. Tyeshia: I am actually newly married.  Throughout this group forming, I was actually in my doctoral program. Each of these beautiful ladies were right there supporting me. My husband makes sure that I am making time for rest, making time to balance and not over extend myself. This was a childhood dream of mine and God has allowed me to do it with some phenomenal ladies who are on this journey. We proceed in this order God first, family second, and we all just build each other up. I am grateful for my mom and our families. They are all so supportive of what we do and all that we contribute. It is truly a blessing.

I Ascend: We have heard that you are the professionals, and the doctor, tell us what kind of professions and the doctoral degree received.

Roz: I am Roz Thompson, and I am Senior Public Affairs Specialist at my employment.

Brittany: I am Brittany Dawson and I am a Salon owner.

Tiffani: I am Tiffani McCutchen and I am a Manager at a Call Center.

Dr. Tyeshia: I am Dr. Tyeshia Reels, my Doctorate is in Education and I am a Superintendent for a school district in Pacific County.

I Ascend: Congratulations on Ascending and standing in your Truth and Pursuing Destiny. What do you want people to remember about you?

Brittany: Our love for God, our love for His people, our love for His will, our love for his plan, and our love for His purpose. We want people to remember us as servants. We may have our own individual titles and we may go on to do some great things. The word of God says those who want to be great must be servants. We want people to know that we are truly Ministers of the Gospel. That it is our lifestyle and our lives reflect what we sing.

I Ascend: What word of advice would you give to readers to have them continue to Ascend in pursuit of their dream no matter where they are currently?

Dr. Tyeshia: Our readers need to recognize that they can do all things through Christ which strengthens them. Whether it is during a pandemic, whether they are a wife, a mother, or a child. It does not matter what their age is if God has put a passion in them. If God has called them to do something he is going to equip them. He will strengthen them and against all odds, they will rise and ascend.  They will be successful, and they will inspire and empower others. God will show up because they dare to be great and they dare to step out, even in the face of adversity.

Brittany: We also want our readers to remember the importance of why you choose to do what you do. If your name never gets into the spot light, can you still serve God? Can you still do what you were called to do in your community locally? Everybody wants to be known worldwide. If that is not God’s will for you can you still serve him?

Tiffani: If you have a dream and believe God has given you a vision, see that vision through God’s eyes. You cannot look at it through your natural eye. You have to look at things from Gods perspective. When you do that you can proceed and be blessed.

I Ascend: Please share some of the projects you’re currently working on?

Roz: We currently have an EP that is available. We have a few singles that have been released. Our first one is “Be All Right,” followed by “God’s Got It,” and one that was written by our very own Dr. Tyeshia Reels. Some of the new projects that are coming out is one I am excited to write and lead and another that Brittany is writing. When we say it is our anniversary, we are really celebrating our sisterhood in the ministry of gospel music. We know what our assignment is and we intend to fulfil it.

I Ascend: How can our readers continue to follow and stay abreast of all that you’re doing?

Brittany: We are on YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram as Anointed Friends. Roz handles the booking, so please feel free to contact her.

Roz: Please like and follow us on Facebook at Anointed Friends. Also, be sure to visit our YouTube page. Do not forget to view our first video “Be All Right” and be sure to like and subscribe.  

For bookings and more information please email us at AnointedFriends@gmail.com