Christopher Green

Chris Green

I Ascend: Please share with us who you are and what you do?
Mr. Green: I am Christopher Green, Founder and Executive Director for Open-Mind Mentoring. A non-profit Organization that focuses on the Mind and Behavior of young males in the community. I am also an author of a book entitled, “Mentoring At Its Best, Stories of Young Men Who Triumphed Over Adversity.” I am a certified life coach, motivational speaker, youth advocate, community organizer, philanthropist, entrepreneur, presenter and more importantly, a youth leader at my church.
I Ascend: How many years have you have been in this profession?
Mr. Green: I have been in this profession for about twelve years.
I Ascend: What has the process of “Becoming” on this journey been like for you?
Mr. Green: For starters I am still “becoming”. I will never stop growing and pressing toward the mark. This is a loaded question. The process itself has been a teacher, friend, counselor, mentor, confidant, pastor, praying partner and so many other things. Basically, it has been filled with a roller coaster of emotions. There has been moments of happiness, sadness, laughter, anger, contentment, resentment and the list goes on. It gave me a chance to learn and know who I am and understand what is really important to me.
I Ascend: Where did this all begin for you?
Mr. Green: I began this journey back in Two Thousand Ten. I saw a need in my community and for our youth. I have been working to ensure that our youth receive the best assistance possible to be successful. I have organized youth workshops, conferences geared towards the development of our youth in conjunction with the community and youth sessions that will help our youth understand their roles in life.
I Ascend: What hardships have you faced in Ascending to where you are?
Mr. Green: I would not say that I have had hardships. I would just say that life happens. Situations good and not so good happen and we have to adjust. Recently I lost my dad due to difficulty from Covid-19. This has been one of the hardest times in my life. I was able to take all of the teaching and advise that he shared and applied it to my success. That pushed me to be the man I am today. Even though my dad is well missed, I cherish his memories greatly.
I Ascend: Who served as your Cushion and Support Team during the hard times?
Mr. Green: During my hard times, I rely on my family and close friends. They have been my biggest support system, during my most difficult times and during my highest achievements.
I Ascend: What have these experiences taught you? The Highs and Lows if any?
Mr. Green: My experiences have taught me that my dream and my journey belong to me. Everyone is not for you, everyone won’t support you and everyone cannot come with you. I strive from those life experiences and push myself to be the better me.

I Ascend: How do you juggle your time with home life while pursuing your business?
Mr. Green: I must say, when I first started my foundation, it was very difficult. I was consumed by work, and the cares of others. I wanted to make sure I made an impact on the world. I was neglecting my family because I was too busy building my organization. After years of planning, working, implementing services to our youth and the community, I was able to find a way to manage my time effectively. Now that I have a system in place, I spend more time with family and balance my work for my non-profit organization.
I Ascend: Congratulations on Ascending and standing in your Truth and Pursuing Destiny. What do you want people to remember most about you?
Mr. Green: That I tried. I have come into contact with so many young people, but the reality is that I cannot reach and make an impact on all of them. I have had to give myself a talk and say, “Chris, you tried”. There is a song that we used to sing in church and the song simply says, “May the work I’ve done speak for me”. I want others to know that the work I have put into building others, should be able to speak louder than words. If I can reach one, I have done my job here.
I Ascend: What word of advice would you give to readers to have them continue to Ascend in pursuit of their dream no matter where they are currently?
Mr. Green: Never lose sight of your “why”. Your journey will bring many emotions, some favorable and some not so favorable. If you have Faith and keep your “why” in the forefront, you shall succeed. I want the readers to understand, they must know what their “why” is in this life.
I Ascend: Please share some of the projects you’re currently working on?
Mr. Green: I am currently working on books tours around the states. I have a few televised interviews with a few major television stations and several podcast interviews.
I Ascend: How can our readers continue to follow and stay abreast of all that you’re doing?
Mr. Green: They can follow me on Instagram @Clalpha, on Facebook at openmindmentoring and my website is: www.openmind-mentoring.org.