Derrick Watson

I Ascend: Please share and explain what you do…

Derrick: As I mentioned I am a lounge owner, Slyce lounge. I am also a community advocate and owner of a community service based, nonprofit organization (CAKE) and a social media influencer. I am not a published writer however, I do enjoy putting the pen to paper with creative writing in my spare time.

I Ascend: How many years have you have been in this profession?

Derrick: I have been a Community advocate since 2010. I have been a lounge owner for the past five years.

I Ascend: What has the process of “Becoming” on this journey been like for you?

Derrick: I’ve endured countess trials and tribulations which have only given me more drive to fuel my passion. I understand that nothing in life comes easy. You have to have persistence, diligence, and consistency. I continue to look forward to what this journey of life has in store for me and the goals I will accomplish.

I Ascend: Where did it all begin for you?

Derrick: I started with a vision of wanting to help others, to build the community and give back. My vision turned into hundreds of like-minded individuals that saw the vison and became a part of it. I continued to network and built a strong team of individuals that put in the team work to make the dream work. Together we continue to build our communities, build relationships and give back.

I Ascend: What hardships have you faced in Ascending to where you are?

Derrick: Over the years I lost individuals who no longer carried the passion or saw the vision. Losing relationships is indeed a part of life. What I have learned through my trials, tribulations, and hardships, is that everything is not for everyone. I understand that it is okay to not have others see my vision as I do. Finding someone that possesses the same drive and passion is rare. I have a full understanding that sometimes with hardships you must stop, step back and begin again. I have become much wiser through my experiences. Experience is a teacher and has the power to increase wisdom.

I Ascend: Who served as your Cushion and Support Team during the hard times?

Derrick: My administrator and assistant Queen. She has been my right hand for as long as I have had my passion. The rarity that I mentioned is who Queen is. She has a unique skill set when it comes to being business orientated. Not to mention a strong, unique organizational and administrative skill set. Every time I needed to stop, step back and begin again, she was there with the clipboard ready to scratch everything and start over, without reservation or hesitation. The best thing about Queen is her degree of loyalty is rare. Not only does she support my passion, drive and vision. She has no boundaries when doing so.

I Ascend: What have these experiences taught you? The Highs and Lows if any?

Derrick: In a nutshell, my experiences have taught me to not judge and to accept everyone’s individuality. Life is full of ups and downs however, I have come to understand that persistence and consistency in people can help the ride to be a lot smoother.

I Ascend: How do you juggle your time with home life while pursuing your business?

Derrick: Time management is key. Sometimes I may get consumed in my work, however I am reminded that my peace of mind is important. My home life is where I find that. It is important that I educate my children and give them the mental and emotional support they need to assist with their growth. You must have balance because if you continue juggling things at some point you will drop something.

I Ascend: Congratulations on Ascending and standing in your Truth and Pursuing Destiny. What do you want people to remember about you?

Derrick: I would like people to remember me for my drive, passion and the good that I see in every person, place, and thing.

I Ascend: What word of advice would you give to readers to have them continue to Ascend in pursuit of their dream no matter where they are currently?

Derrick: Plain and simple … DO NOT GIVE UP! FOLLOW YOUR PASSION!

I Ascend: Please share some of the projects you’re currently working on?

Derrick: I am always looking for new ways to integrate my passion for entertainment and community work.

I Ascend: How can our readers continue to follow and stay abreast of all that you’re doing?

Derrick: I am on IG @derrickmarvelous