
The Detroit Young Men 4 Christ is a group that consists of ten members altogether,  Lance McGee III (lead singer), Eric Johnson Sr., Lance McGee Jr., Min. Eric Johnson Jr. (2nd lead singer), Lance Wilson, Tony Stanford, Min. Deveon Gross, Anthony Curry, Allen Stanford and Cordell Nelson Jr. These young men share the spotlight in representing Detroit with their gospel music. They’ve been working at this for 9 plus years and they’re looking forward to see how much farther the Lord is going to take this group for His Glory!

I Ascend: Who are the Detroit Young Men 4 Christ?

Eric Sr.: We are a Detroit Gospel Group that has been singing together nearly ten years. We are each natives of Detroit and we all go to different churches. We have two ministers in our group. I am the oldest so I’m what they call the grandfather of the group. We are lifting our voices for God trying to defeat the devil. The devil really has had a big hold on our youth. Our ministry through song is to try to draw the youth from out of the streets into the churches.

I Ascend: Could each of you tell me a little about yourself? Let’s go with seniority.

Eric Sr.: My name is Eric Johnson Senior. My favourite colour is blue and I am married.

Eric Jr.: My name is Eric Johnson Jr. I am twenty-seven years old. My favourite colours are black, grey, or blue. I am not married.

Cordell: I am Cordell Nelson Jr. I’m the new guy to the group. My favourite colour is red. I love it. It’s a bold colour. I am engaged.

Deveon: My name is Deveon Gross. My favourite colours are red, white, and blue actually.

I Ascend: What has the whole group experience been like for you?

Eric Sr.: What really inspired me is the travelling and the people that we have met. The experience of The Stellar Awards was such a big high for this group. There were some people, some groups that asked how did we do it? Some didn’t believe we deserved it but that’s their saying, God said differently. God saw that we worked hard for it. I understand that there were groups that have been singing over twenty-five years, but favour is not fair. God’s favour is unmatched, there is nothing anyone can say when he lays his hands on you. We were blessed to receive the award; this was one of my favourite experiences since I have been with this group.

I Ascend: When you heard that you were chosen as The Stellar Award winners if you could take yourself back to that moment what were your thoughts at that moment?

Eric Sr.: Well, when we heard our name being announced, as they read the categories and who we were going up against that was a cliff hanger. When they finally said 2021 Quartet Group of the Year “Young Men 4 Christ”, my eyes, my heart, everything in me was overjoyed. I just dropped, my mouth dropped, I could not believe who they called, I had to look, I had to think I actually hit myself to see if I was dreaming. But when we got up my nephew, my son, and I went up to that stage. We just cried, I mean, tears were just flowing. We just accomplished something that was unbelievable. We knew that God was in the midst of all of it. That was one of my biggest dreams and God made my dream come true.

I Ascend: What about you, Mr. Nelson?

Cordell: Unfortunately, I had loss in the family. So, I actually could not make this particular trip. We did keep contact throughout the event. That particular moment when they announced the group, we got that video call. It was unbelievable, we had accomplished something this great. Even though I was not there, I was still a part of it. It’s a dream come true. This isn’t a high school award. This is not just city or local, this is something worldwide, imagine that? My band is a part of a group that has won The Stellar Award. I just got excited, I know the dedication and challenging work we put in has paid off.

I Ascend: Mr. Gross,

 Deveon: I was actually at a rehearsal at my church. The group members that were there was sending messages and stuff to the group chat, then we received a video call it was me and some of the musicians that’s part of the group that was at the rehearsal. I instantly asked, is that right? Is that a typo? Then I looked again, it was actually in that moment I found myself in shock. It took me a couple of days to really let it sink in, I still have the messages. I’m going to hold on to them forever.

I Ascend: Mr. Johnson Jr.

Eric Jr.: My experience is a little bit different because I was actually there. First and foremost, just to be in the room with all the greats, all the legends, this was an opportunity of excitement within itself. So, when we were sitting at the table, my cousin Lance and I, were sitting next to each other. The category that we were in had several new groups, and legends. We were just excited to be in the number and be considered to be on that stage. When our name was called my mouth literally dropped. It was an experience that I’ll never forget. For one, I was able to do this with my family. I had my dad on the stage and my two cousins it was just a life experience within itself. That was definitely a history moment for me and my family. It definitely hit home once we got off the stage, and got in the back, we all just kind of lost it. It was a humbling experience, and it just shows you what God can do when you stay faithful to him. We are  dedicated and we have stayed faithful. We have had our trials and errors, our ups and downs like anybody else. Yet, we never gave up on our hopes and dreams. We never gave up on God or what we could truly achieve.

I Ascend: What do you want people to remember about The Detroit Young Men 4 Christ?

Eric Sr.: I want them to remember our style, how we dressed, and who we are. I want them to look at us and know unequivocally that we are supposed to be here. I want people to remember what we stand for. I want them to remember how God put us here where other gospel groups laid a pathway for us. That we in turn laid a pathway for other groups that will follow in our footsteps. I want people to see that this group is real. It is never the same it is always pure. If we are in rehearsal, if we are on the stage, it is not repetition it is real worship and real praise. We don’t sing like every other group; we have our own style. We want people to remember our songs are about the good news called the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I Ascend: What word of advice would you give to readers to encourage them to ascend in pursuit of their dream, no matter where they are currently?

Eric Jr.: Do not stop believing in yourself. Everybody, goes through things. We all have obstacles. We all go through trials and tribulations. But we also have to understand that we serve a God who can do anything, without fail. Anything that you put your heart and mind to and have faith in, it can be done. We are just some Detroit guys that was willing to do the work of God. We are proof that everything that young people are doing is not bad. If you stay faithful to God, he will stay faithful to you. It is just a matter of going through the process of what you want to achieve.

I Ascend: Mr. Gross.

Deveon: You have to stay rooted and grounded. You must know who you are, know who you serve, know your do’s and your don’ts, and strive to do your best. When you add all those together, and you are doing your best for God, then that will make a difference. You can only do a little when working in your flesh. You can and you will go further when you have God on your side. So just strive to do your best.

I Ascend: Mr. Nelson.

Cordell: You have to keep your mind focused on God; with God all things are possible. You have to have faith and believe. Those two words are major in my life in this group, in everything that we have accomplished. Our faith and literally believing God has bought us this far. If you have a goal, a dream, when it hits your heart and mind, put a vision to it. Once you put that vision to it and you see it believe God and allow it to manifest. You will be surprised at the things that God can do. He can do exceedingly, abundantly above all that we can ask or imagine or even think. Just expand your minds limitation and literally push for your dreams, then let God do the rest.

I Ascend: Mr. Johnson Sr., do you want to add to those words of wisdom?

Show respect, have respect for yourself and love yourself. Most of all, give God the honour that He is due.

I Ascend: Where can readers purchase your album and learn more about upcoming events?

Eric Jr.: Our music is available on all digital outlets such as Apple Music, Amazon, Google Play, Spotify, and Pandora. We have multiple events and engagements in the works. Follow us on social media and be sure to keep praying for us.