Facing Your Fear

Life can present us with many challenges which can cause us to fear. However, we must courage in the face of fear. Fear has been noted to mean false evidence appearing real. Fear can prevent us from moving forward. It can paralyze us and even keep us from Gods best. When we think that we unworthy we tend to settle for less. We have to know that God says that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. Learn to celebrate your beauty and your differences. God has created us uniquely because he wanted us to share our differences and learn from each other. Even our experiences and challenges in life were meant to be a source of encouragement and hope for those who are struggling through adversity. What doesn’t destroy us makes us stronger and wiser.
Why do we go through storms? We go through storms because it builds character and strength, which causes us to grow. We learn to trust when our human strength fails. We may not understand why the storm comes, but understand it will come to past. We can learn a lot from nature and the wisdom it shares with us, if we keep an open mind to the lessons that it provides. For example, when a tree bends and is tossed back and forth by the force of the wind. The tree does not oppose the wind. The tree embraces the wind, recognizing its promoting growth. These experiences develop our character as individuals and causes our spiritual roots to grow deep. Just like that tree that’s firmly planted by the rivers of living water. So, do not cast away your confidence, stand tall and bold having courage in the face of fear:

Written by: Cynthia Wilcox