Healthy food For Thought - Crump Fit Health Article

For starters, you are what you eat. If you are eating at a surplus of calories, you are going to look like you do just that. The condition is compounded if you do not have a balance with how much calories you’re burning from being active like exercise and or playing sports. You must keep in mind that everyone is different and the body changes as we get older. For those who had a fast metabolism when they were young and got away with eating a lot of fried foods, pasta, ice cream, chips, cookies and fast food, may not be able to do that as they age and most likely will experience weight gain and or health issues like diabetes, cancer, and heart attacks.

It is very important that we are cognizant of our change in age and lifestyle so we can adjust to live life as healthy as we can, for longevity. At 25 my father Aaron Crump Sr. told me to start eating healthy to avoid as much health issues that can occur as I age and never stop exercising. The bottom line is that you must make a healthy diet and exercise plan a lifestyle. Yes, it is challenging at first but the more consistent you are with living a Crump Fit lifestyle, the easier it will become. For generations we have been eating what we want so it has become habit, but if you really think about our elders and how some of them had to face health issues due to the lack of a healthy diet and exercise, you can then understand why adjusting to a healthier lifestyle is important. Start now before it’s too late. 

The basic healthy diet, which I feel should be advertised more often like a fast-food commercial, is eating less processed foods and more baked, grilled and or steamed foods, including whole grains, fruit and vegetables. Fried foods are often high in salt, trans-fat and calories. This may contribute to high blood pressure and obesity which are risk factors of heart disease. When you eat out at restaurants or fast-food spots it is hard to control how the food is being made. Having more home cook meals will be beneficial for you and if you do like to indulge in fried foods, use olive oil because it’s a monounsaturated fatty acid that is considered a healthy fat. Olive oil is rich in antioxidants that can lead to a range of health benefits. The oils that should be avoided is soybean, corn, canola, sunflower, and safflower because they have unstable trans-fats that will contribute to health risk. 

Choose fruits over processed junk foods like chips, candy, ice cream, and cookies because fruits are naturally low in calories and has many nutrients like potassium, dietary fiber, vitamin C and more. Diets rich in potassium may help maintain healthy blood pressure. Processed Junk foods cause obesity, diabetes, headaches & acne to name a few amongst more. If you did not know, now you know.

We all know that vegetables are healthy because our parents told us, but to elaborate on it more, vegetables are an important source of many nutrients including potassium, dietary fiber, folate, and vitamins A & C, which is similar to fruits which help maintain healthy blood pressure. 

Whole grains are high in fiber which makes it easy to maintain a healthy body weight. It also lowers risk of heart disease, diabetes, and some types of cancer. 

Drink water over drinks that contain high contents of sugar. Consuming excessive amounts of Soda or Fruit Punch leads to weight gain and health risk. Water assists with weight loss, supports digestion, improves metabolic weight, and improves skin health. 

All of your meals should consist of a lean protein meat, vegetables with a whole grain carbohydrate if you like, and fruits for a snack. If you’re trying to lose weight you have to eat at a deficit, and the best way to do that is to consume a lean protein meat, vegetables with a glass of water. Snack on fruits, nuts and or whole grain snacks. Make sure you also add in some good fats like avocado to your meals. The 3 Macros that are important in muscle building is good protein, carbohydrates and fats. 

If you have a craving, satisfy it and get back on track. Some say it is beneficial, and may speed up your metabolism, because it makes your body work harder to digest the food it is not normally use to consuming daily. 

For the calorie counters that are interested in losing weight, keep in mind that 3500 calories equal one pound. The daily calorie intake for a female to maintain weight is approximately 1,700 Calories to 2,200, and for men it is 2,000 to 2,500. So, if you want to lose weight, you need to consume at a deficit of five hundred Calories or burn 500 Calories from activity. If you do either for 7 days, you will lose one pound which is equivalent to 3,500 Calories and if you do both, you will lose approximately two pounds a week.

It all depends on how focused and disciplined you are in achieving your goals. Keep in mind that the average amount of pounds to lose in one week is 1 – 2 pounds, in a healthy way. Depending on how hard you go, you can lose anywhere from 4-8 pounds in a month. If you are not into the calorie counting you can simply just do what I stated above.

Besides a healthy diet and exercise, remember to maintain healthy sleeping habits. American’s lack rest because we as a people are conditioned to work. We should sleep at least 7 to 8 hours a day and for people who are active about 5 to 6 is sufficient. Lack of sleep contributes to lack of muscle recovery. In addition to joint pain, headaches, body aches, lack of concentration, slower thinking and feeling exhausted all the time. Lack of sleep puts stress on the body, make sure you make time for good rest or even a power nap if possible.

I had a near death situation due to a lack of rest. I was in a bad car accident and besides me being fit and healthy the lack of rest almost won. The Angel my mother said was always watching over me and the Lord was there for me that day. My car was totaled, and I walked out of the car with minor scratches and internal bruising that prevented me from going to the gym for about a month. It was a lesson learned of how important rest is. Make sure you make time for yourself and rest up. 

Start substituting the unhealthy foods with the healthy foods. Drink water with your meals. Make time for exercise either at home or the gym and most importantly get good rest. Good rest assists with muscle recovery, weight loss and you just overall feel better and sharper if you have a healthy diet. The fitness lifestyle is a journey, and you need to be disciplined, consistent and patient to reap the benefits that you would love to have. At the end of the day, it is a lifestyle that you should want to adapt to. Break out of the bad habits for new ones that will benefit your life. Become obsessed with the process and you will be the best version of you. JUST BE FIT! 

Signing Out, Crump Fit