It’s Time for a Vision Check

The new year is here! We usually start the year off with excitement, renewed energy, and hope. We happily say good-bye to coulda, woulda, and shoulda. It’s time for a vision check. Go ahead grab a piece of paper and a pen or pencil. Set a timer and then write for five minutes. Write down the details of how you want your life to be; what you want to do for fun and to earn a living; where and how do you want to live; and your emotional state, physical appearance, and personal style. 
“Write your vision and make it plain, so when others see they can run with it.”  This is a paraphrase from the Holy Bible. The Bible also states, “without a vision the people perish”. What do you see? Check the vision you have of yourself and for your life. Do you sense something missing? As you scrutinize your V-I-S-I-O-N, it will be empowering to

1) Visit your deepest heart desires;

2) Investigate your past and present paths; 

3) Remain Steadfast in your discovery;

4) Inspire others; 

5) Own your vision; and

6) Never give up.

Visit some of your deepest desires. Follow passions which awaken your curiosity, ignite a spark, bring you peace, or joy no matter your surroundings or circumstances. Peruse personal and family photo albums and read your old journals and diaries. Take trips to your favorite places or new destinations. What is your favorite place to go in your city or town? Each activity and location could trigger clues to your deep-seated wishes. Jot down your insights.
Investigate your past and present paths and your trials and triumphs. Through your introspection hidden longings may be revealed. This burial could have been caused by fear, disappointment, disbelief, someone discouraging you, or self-sabotaging thoughts and actions. Even so, recall the many obstacles you have overcome and the countless positive outcomes you have experienced. What is the greatest obstacle you have overcome? Notice the people you attract, the lives you have touched, and how your life has been impacted. Be sure to find pleasure in the process.
Remain Steadfast in your discovery. No matter how life appears now, believe what you envision can and will happen. What is your biggest dream? Do you ever sit and daydream? Do you get bright ideas while taking a shower? Notice the footprints leading from fear to faith; procrastination to progress; cowardice to courage; victim to victory; and tears to testimony.
Inspire others on your adventure. As you walk out your destiny you will glow with possibilities. Share lessons learned and successful strategic plans. Have you ever encouraged or surprised someone with a gift or did a random act of kindness? What or who is your greatest source of inspiration? When you are feeling inspired, your enthusiasm will be contagious, and others will joyfully catch it. 
Own your vision. Looking in the mirror can be an exercise of reflection and imagination. What do you see? Be clear, no one can steal it. Look at it, accept it, expect it, and know it is ordained for your good. What do you believe you were born to do or be? Give yourself credit for your persistence in being where you are now. Thank God for your gifts, talents, skills, abilities, His anointing, wisdom, and favor.
Never give up! Have you ever felt like giving up? Picture the toddler learning to walk, when he or she falls, they get back up. Yes, we have all been there, falling. You’ve learned to get back up countless times in life. Yes, getting back up is the difference. How is your vision check looking? Keep going, your treasured vision will be your marvelously manifested reality sooner than you ever imagined.

About the Author…
Terry Ann Williams-Richard, an award-winning author, educator, and personal book writing coach is a native of Cincinnati, Ohio and Founder of Personalized Educational Services, LLC. For more than 30 years, her engaging programs and workshops continue to blaze pathways of enlightenment for students of all ages. She can be reached at www.yeswithpes.com.
Photo Credit:
Mary Strubbe Photography,
Cincinnati, OH