Jessica Reedy

WhatsApp Image 2022-05-03 at 12.11.57 PM

I Ascend:
Who is Jessica Reedy?

Jessica: I am still learning who God has created me to be as opposed to what I have been convinced that I am throughout my life. I really love the Lord. I have learned that I am extremely courageous. When it comes down to fire, I am not afraid to be burned in order to come out. I really love my children and I will not let anything come between us. I am a great mother, my children mean everything to me. I really love helping people. I love the unique way that God allows me to see the epiphany hit people based off of the wisdom He has given me. So in a nutshell I am becoming, I have gathered a couple of nuggets along the way and I would say I am not that bad.

I Ascend: How many years have you been in this profession?

Jessica: When it comes to the profession of singing, I started my career off as an R&B singer. That was when I was much younger from the age thirteen until I was around twenty years old. Once I got saved I gave that up, that is when my life took a different turn. I did not get on the show “Sunday Best” until I was twenty one years old. Basically, I have been at this as a professional for thirteen years now.

I Ascend: What has the process of “Becoming” on this journey been like for you?

Jessica: It has been extremely difficult. Especially when God wants to strip you, of what you call an identity. It was very hard, very painful, and it did not feel good at all. However, the results have been astonishing. There have been some wow moments and who would have thought moments? It reminds me of when I had my sons, for both of them I had natural births. I did not have any pain medication, the pain was excruciating I just knew I was going to die. Then the moment came when the pain stopped and I got to hold the baby. It was one of my greatest experiences. What was amazing is when I had a water birth during this so my son came out with his eyes open and he had the biggest smile on his face. It was like, this is what came with the pain. That is what it has been like in this process of becoming. It has been one of much pain but also amazing results.

I Ascend: What hardships have you faced in Ascending to where you are?

Jessica: I have gone through ridicule, been publicly lied upon and I have had family isolate from me. I have gone through public embarrassment of discovering that my fiancé was actually a husband and I had no idea. I’ve gone through excruciating heartbreak. That feeling, I cannot even explain it. It is a painful experience to have to suffer in silence because you don’t have anybody to cry to. I have gone through the woes of raising my children by myself. Having sons is difficult because I am not a man, I do not know how they think like they do. I do not know what works for this teenager or this five year old male. Yet, in spite of all that this enabled me to build an even closer relationship with God. In the moments that I was angry, when I felt the hurt, and things seemed difficult I had God. I cried out to God to tell me what do next, He helped me pull myself together in the midst of trying to figure out my emotions. I had to have the face of resilience, strength and joy as I ministered in song to people. It was very difficult do that at times because I wanted to say hey, this is not working. I believe in God and I believed that God was working all things for my good. I knew this time would eventually pass and although I had no control, I had to let go and simply let God. It just wasn’t as simple as the word simple implies.

I Ascend: Who served as your Cushion and support Team during the hard times?

Jessica: I’m grateful for my season of isolation, though it was a long season. I struggled with trying to make everybody happy. I had to move away from pleasing people. It is just the way my heart is built. I would allow some things that should not have been allowed. I was worried people would be mad at me if I say something or change something. I am telling you there is nothing like being taught by God. He is hands on. He does not let you slide with anything. When you are praying you are not talking to yourself, he can hear you. It was in that moment during that time, I realized how very close He is. There was an exchange happening. I was gaining spiritual wisdom, my gifts were being sharpened and I was getting new tools. I began to understand that every time I die, there’s something else I’m gaining. This increase is something that is going to help other people. I said God you are a mastermind. Each time before I got on my knees, I said, Lord, I’m asking for your presence. I asked for permission to come before his throne and just conversed. It is there I learned to feel his embrace and I could feel his compassion. My season of isolation helped my relationship get tighter with God. It removed so many people and things in between this.

I Ascend: How do you juggle your time with home life while pursuing you career?

Jessica: Many times my children accompanied me on my travels. I homeschool them so they are right there in the room while I am at work writing. I thank God for my church, there is this beautiful lady that everyone calls grandma. She is wonderful with my babies there are times she would stand in if I had a really busy schedule. However, in going to visit during a holiday recently with my mom I could see she enjoyed the company. She fussed a bit when it was time to leave after our holiday stay. She wanted to know, “Why are you leaving today if the kids are home schooled, what is the big rush?” I got a call the day before we were scheduled to leave that I needed to be in New York the next day. I knew, that my boys needed to be somewhere stable. I said, Mom, how is this going to work, I live in a different state? This is what I had asked God about before my brother died last year. It was one of the most excruciating things because he was my friend. My brother stayed with my mom for several years because of his kidney disease and I couldn’t get back and forth to see him like I wanted. Now the house was empty and my mom was alone. First I was listening from my I do not want to be a burden mindset, but my mom said, I will keep the boys with me while you handle your job. That is how God has brought things full circle where it was once removed. I got what I needed, God was able to get my mom and my family back together. That is what God does it has been a real treat.

Congratulations on Ascending and standing in your Truth and Pursuing Destiny. What do you want people to remember most about you?

I want people to know that despite everything God didn’t give up on me. God is real, my God is a real father. He is the standard of fathers when it comes to protecting. He would not allow some things the enemy had set in place to happen. He is breaking things off of me, protecting me, and teaching me. There isn’t really nothing too special about me except I really do trust an All-Powerful God. In my trusting this All-Powerful God, he makes me exceptionally special.

I Ascend: What word of advice would you give to readers to have them continue to Ascend in pursuit of their dream no matter where they are currently?

Jessica: I will say, do not be afraid to keep cleaning your hands and going before the Lord. Do not be afraid in the struggle of not catching the lesson the first time. You just keep cleaning up. Do not think you are so smart. Do not be afraid to ask the Lord, “am I doing what you asked me to do? Is this how you want me to move?” Secondly, I will say, be kind and be loving no matter who you meet. In every room, show God’s grace and His love. God will bless you and elevate you just for that. Then I will say be someone He can trust. Do well with what you have. Do not be somewhere wishing you were somewhere else. Give one hundred percent right where you are. Manage that space well right where you are. Do it with excellence right where you are. God will see that and say good job you have mastered that. There are steps in this thing you do not want to over elevate to where you fall, where it’s suffocating you or killing you and you are overwhelmed. You are building muscle with each step. God will prepare you to withstand that high winds because at certain altitudes it can become hard to breathe. If you have not conditioned yourself to know how to breathe up there. God is teaching us in every step; so do everything in a spirit of excellence at every stage and every step.

I Ascend: Please share some of the projects you’re currently working on?

Jessica: I wrote some amazing songs, you can feel the emotions these songs are not random. These particular songs were intentional for a specific reason. This is a work in progress and I want it to be a surprise so to keep it short, I shared a vision with some phenomenal people. They loved the vision, so right now I’m in the process of doing a film that incorporates this amazing music. I will also be on three tours this year. It is a really exciting time.

I Ascend: How can our readers continue to follow and stay abreast of all that you’re doing?

Jessica:  You can book me at: JessicaReedyMinistries@gmail.com  You can follow me on Instagram and twitter at: JessicaReedyMusic